Wednesday 2 April 2008

English 'Pirates'?

This week two Italian teams (Palermo and Reggina) have claimed that English teams are "pillaging" their best young academy players at little or no compensation.

UEFA president Michel Platini has pledged to try and stop such poaching and has been quoted as saying: "The first contract a player signs should be with the club who trains him."

The main problems are that you're uprooting young players and potentially affecting their chance to make the big time by throwing them into a big pond as a small fish and that smaller teams spend time and money on training these players before they are robbed by bigger teams for next to nothing.

Palermo president, Maurizio Zamperini, said: "These clubs already have the best players in the world. To try to speculate on young players, robbing them from other clubs that live off young players, is wrong."

Trevor Brooking has come out and agreed with both Platini and Zamperini saying that the current influx of foreign talent is "very worrying". The Premier League spokesman, Dan Johnson, said: "Clubs would much rather be picking up players 10 or 20 miles up the road rather than scouring Europe". That's fine but when will this happen?

How long do we have to wait before English academy products are seen more regularly in the Premier League?!

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